Release Blitz: Scars of My Past by D.C. Renee


My life was one of those teen angst rom-coms where the ugly high school student transforms herself into the beauty queen.  Except there was no cute guy helping me along, no series of makeover shots with fun background music, no scene where I walked into the room and all heads turned to look at me while wind blew through my hair.  I was the ugly high school student, and I did transform, but it wasn’t all peaches and cream.

Bullied so badly in high school that it ruined my life, I spent my senior year in therapy.  It was there that I transformed – not just physically, but mentally as well.  I wanted a fresh start and going to college across the country was my ticket to that.  It was a whole new world, and things were great …

… and then came the blast from my past.

And he didn’t recognize me.  What was a girl to do?  Revenge, of course!  My plan was to make him fall for me and then break his heart.

Sounds simple, right?  Wrong.  If only revenge was black and … too bad a lot of gray was in the mix.  But one thing was for sure – I needed a way to heal the scars from my past.  I just hoped I could. 


WOW! Scars of My past by D.C. Renee was more than I anticipated and the powerful message woven throughout this story pulled at my heartstrings and has stayed with me long after turning the final page. In fact, once I finished reading, I was so moved by the story that I couldn't begin another book.

Cameron Dents is a starting college quarterback with a past he is desperately trying to forget and move on from. Genevieve Breitling is a girl who survived her past with a constant reminder that she is strong, loved and a survivor. 

Cam saves Genevieve from the unwanted advances of a classmate who couldn't take a hint and with the two sharing a class, they become friends. Cam reminds Genevieve of someone from her past, someone who ruined her self esteem and drove her to things that she never imagined. But the boy Genevieve knew had a different name. As a friendship continues to develop between these two, feelings of more than friendship begin. But its then that Genevieve realizes that the boy who ruined her high school years actually is the same person that she spends all her time with today. The difference in character and attitude between the two is unfathomable to her.

As Genevieve struggles with what to do about her feelings toward Cam and her hatred for who he was in high school, Cam slowly reveals the details of his past, a past that was so hidden from the world that no one knew or could have guessed the struggles and defeat he faced each and every day. As each layer of Cam's childhood is revealed to the reader, your heart breaks for him a little more for what he endured while hoping that Genevieve can see past his actions to the person he has become today, despite everything from his past.

This book is a must read!!

4 stars

DC Renee is a financial analyst by day, and an indie author by night. She's been writing since she was a child, from poems to short stories, even fan fictions. She published her first book in March of 2014, and it hit the Amazon top 100 list in Contemporary Romance Fiction several times. Naturally, she loves to read! She also loves spending time with her hubby and their new baby girl, as well as her immediate family (in-laws included!). She speaks Russian fluently, and it might come with the territory, but she loves watching hockey. Go Kings! DC is really thankful for all the support she receives from her family, friends and most of all her readers and fans. She hopes you enjoy her books as much as she enjoys writing them.


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