The Demon Series Compendium by EH James is Now Available

The Demon Series Compendium
by E.H James

Release Date Nov. 27, 2017


A story that spans centuries all begins on a September night, in 1962, when Max Jensen steps into the cellar of Edward Starke, on the anniversary of the serial killer’s execution.
Setting into motion a series of events that will change history, it’s now up to Jesse Miller, together with an ex-priest, a reporter, a ghost, a high school buddy, and a demon-killing beast, to attempt to set the timeline back again.

Will they succeed, or will demons wipe humanity from the face of the planet?

Book Trailer

Author Bio:

E. H. James has always been fascinated by the unexplained. Wanting to delve deeper into the unknown, James has read and researched in the areas of parapsychology and metaphysics, for the past 40 years. 
Taking those first hand experiences, involving the unexplained, James has woven the real and imaginary together into stories of the strange and bizarre.
James' stories range from the paranormal and horror, to fantasy and science fiction, from short stories and novellas, to 100K+ novels. 

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